Red Dragon Acupuncture Clinic
107 Peterson Street
Fort Collins, CO  80524
For a happier life!! 
Welcome to Red Dragon Acupuncture Clinic 
We hope that your visit to our website is part of a process which may lead you to a different way of looking at how you can optimize your health and happiness.  At Red Dragon Acupuncture Clinic in Fort Collins, CO we offer a wide range of alternative and supplemental approaches to help achieve this desired result.  We do this by empowering the inherent energy in your body to heal and maintain its natural state of good health.
Energy is called Qi (pronounced chee) in Chinese Medicine and is fundamental in the attainment and maintenance of vibrant health. Our primary goal is to release any blockage to the flow of that energy in order to restore the body‘s natural balance. We use a holistic rather than a symptomatic approach which is designed to help your body heal. In doing this we utilize a comprehensive regimen of time-tested treatments such as acupuncture, herbal therapies, nutritional counseling, and other forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Our objective is to strengthen the flow of healing energy to restore the desired natural balance. Acupuncture alone or in combination with these other treatments can facilitate healing injuries, reduce pain, and increase your general health and resistance to disease.

Kristie Steinbock, M.S., L.Ac. of Red Dragon Acupuncture is a licensed acupuncturist and has practiced in Fort Collins, CO for over 17 years. She has been a leader in bringing the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine to Northern Colorado by offering acupuncture and a wide range of other Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities.

Red Dragon Acupuncture Clinic, Inc. is located in Old Town Fort Collins in a beautiful "home" environment which is conducive to contributing to the wellness of everyone who comes to us.

May the compassion of your humanity blossom before your eyes.

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