Kristie Steinbock, M.S., L.Ac. is a licensed practitioner in acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicines and has been in private practice since 1993. A Colorado native, Kristie moved to the San Francisco Bay Area after high school and obtained her Bachelor of Arts at California State University, Hayward in 1987 in Human Development, and a Masters of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine at The American College of TCM in San Francisco. She also completed private externships with Barbara Wilt, L.Ac. and studied under Ken Pang, M.D. (China) L.Ac., a fifth generation Chinese physician.
After passing the California State Medical Board exam and the National Commission for the Certification Of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM0) exam in 1991, Kristie returned to Colorado and completed her premed studies at Colorado State University. In addition to her practice, Kristie served as a professor of Herbal Medicine and a clinical supervisor at Southwest Acupuncture College for 5 years.
Kristie's is a practioner in general medicine whose focus area includes internal medicine. She has a wide range of interests and experience, including gastrointestinal, respiratory, gynecological, and sleep disorders. She also holds a separate certification for the treatment of symptoms related to Hepatitis C.
Kristie’s trust and belief in body-centered learning led to her an internship with the Hendricks Institute in somatic psychology with Gay and Katie Hendricks, Ph.D, through which certified as a life skills coach. Her interest in serving people holistically combines her medical, spiritual, and psychological training.